What does CD Ratio mean? What is the full form of CD Ratio?

The full form of CD Ratio is Credit Deposit Ratio

The CD ratio refers to the credit-deposit ratio in banking parlance. It tells us how much of the money banks have raised in the form of deposits has been deployed as loans. So if the CD ratio for a single bank or the whole banking system stands at 75%, it means that three-fourths of the deposits with that bank or with the system has been given out as loans. A low CD ratio suggests relatively poor credit growth compared with deposit growth. A high CD ratio would mean strong demand for credit in an environment of relatively slower deposit growth. The CD ratio had slipped to historic lows of under 70% in late 2016, when demonetisation kept bankers busy exchanging banknotes and few new loans were given.



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Do you want to know What does CD RATIO mean? What is the full form of CD RATIO?. Are you looking for What does CD RATIO mean? What is the full form of CD RATIO? What is CD RATIO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CD RATIO. The Full Form of CD RATIO is‍ Credit Deposit Ratio
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What does CD RATIO mean? What is the full form of CD RATIO?
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