The full form of CFTRI is Central Food Technological Research Institute. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Research & Development in India
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, has undertaken projects to develop technologies for national-level programmes like Swachch Bharat, Swasthya Bharat, Skill India, Smart Cities, Digital India and Namami Gange.
The resolution states: “We resolve to be a catalytic agent to evolve India into Samarth Bharat, Sashakt Bharat and to achieve global standards. Keeping in mind the national goals, the council has decided to develop at least 12 new technologies every year that will cater to the aspirations of the common man and will also be beneficial to the poor.”
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute strives to bring a positive change in improving #FoodSecurity #NutritionSecurity empowering farmers with knowledge on food technology solutions at farm gates to increase value of produce and reduce farm waste, to sensitize India about food processing, food safety, nutrition and allied sciences pertaining to health and wellness, increase technical strength of food industries #MakeInIndia #SamarthBharat #SashaktBharat We are committed to delivering in excellence in all areas of our mandate and to deliver to the world cutting edge solutions in #Research #FoodTechnology #Nutrition and #AlliedSciences
CSIR−Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore (A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi) came into existence during 1950 with the great vision of its founders, and a network of inspiring as well as dedicated scientists who had a fascination to pursue in-depth research and development in the areas of food science and technology. Research focus of CSIR-CFTRI has been revolved around broadly into the following areas:
- Engineering Sciences
- Technology Development
- Translational Research
- Food Protection and Safety
Food Technology being inter-disciplinary in nature the mandate or vision of the Institute is fulfilled through various R&D Departments and Support Departments along with its Resource Centres at Hyderabad, Lucknow and Mumbai.

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