What does CNAME mean? What is the full form of CNAME?

The full form of CNAME is Canonical Name. It’s used on Computing ,Programming & Development in Worldwide

A Canonical Name (CNAME) Record is used in the Domain Name System (DNS) to create an alias from one domain name to another domain name. A common example is the www subdomain which is provided as an alias to the root domain name – users accessing “www.example.com” are referred to the root domain (or DNS zone apex) “example.com”.

A few common uses of CNAME records are:

  • Providing a separate hostname for specific network services, such as email or FTP, and pointing that hostname to the root domain
  • Many hosted services provide a subdomain for each customer on the service provider’s domain (e.g. company.hostname.com), and use CNAME to point to the customer’s domain (www.company.com).
  • Registering the same domain in several countries and pointing the country versions to the main “.com” domain
  • Pointing from several websites owned by the same organization to a primary website



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Do you want to know What does CNAME mean? What is the full form of CNAME?. Are you looking for What does CNAME mean? What is the full form of CNAME? What is CNAME stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CNAME. The Full Form of CNAME is‍ Canonical Name
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What does CNAME mean? What is the full form of CNAME?
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