What does CSC mean? What is the full form of CSC?

1, The full form of CSC is Civil Service Commission. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Worldwide

Civil Service Commission (CSC) is a government agency which deals with civil service matters and conflict resolution.

2, The full form of CSC is Computer Sciences Corporation. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in United States

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) is an American multinational corporation that provides technology enabled business solutions and services. Headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, United States.

3, The full form of CSC is Correctional Service of Canada. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Canada

Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is the Canadian federal government agency responsible for administering sentences of a term of 2 yrs or more.

4, The full form of CSC is Canas Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Costa Rica

Canas Airport (IATA code: CSC) is an airport in Canas, Costa Rica.

5, The full form of CSC is Common Services Centers. It’s used on Governmental ,Policies & Programs in India

Common Services Centers (CSC) is an initiative of the Government of India under its National E-Governance Plan (NEGP), which aims at setting up service kiosks in villages across India.

6, The full form of CSC is Chadron State College. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in United States

Chadron State College (CSC) is a public college in the Nebraska State College System in Chadron, Nebraska, United States.

7, The full form of CSC is Canadian Securities Course. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Courses in Canada

Canadian Securities Course (CSC) offered by Canadian Securities Institute (CSI) is the entry course required for becoming licensed to work within the Canadian securities industry as a securities registered representative for a securities broker, known as a dealer member.

8, The full form of CSC is Consumer Software Customization. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

Consumer Software Customization (CSC) refers to the specific country or carriers for that said firmware is being build. CSC contains the software packages specific to each geographical region, carrier branding and also APN settings for data connection, MMS etc.

9, The full form of CSC is Common Short Code. It’s used on Technology ,Specifications & Standards in Worldwide

Common Short Code (CSC) is a short telephone number, usually consisting of 5-6 digits, that is used to address SMS and MMS messages from a cellular telephone. CSC are widely used for for value-added services such as tele-voting campaigns, mobile coupons and other programs. CSC will be unique to each operator.

10, The full form of CSC is Command and Staff College. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in Pakistan

Command and Staff College (CSC) is a Pakistani military educational institution where officers receive staff training and education.



Civil Service Commissionhow to pronounce Civil Service Commission

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Computer Sciences Corporationhow to pronounce Computer Sciences Corporation

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Correctional Service of Canadahow to pronounce Correctional Service of Canada

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Canas Airporthow to pronounce Canas Airport

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Common Services Centershow to pronounce Common Services Centers

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Chadron State Collegehow to pronounce Chadron State College

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Canadian Securities Coursehow to pronounce Canadian Securities Course

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Consumer Software Customizationhow to pronounce Consumer Software Customization

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Common Short Codehow to pronounce Common Short Code

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Command and Staff Collegehow to pronounce Command and Staff College

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Do you want to know What does CSC mean? What is the full form of CSC?. Are you looking for What does CSC mean? What is the full form of CSC? What is CSC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CSC. The Full Form of CSC is‍ Civil Service Commission, Computer Sciences Corporation, Correctional Service of Canada, Canas Airport, Common Services Centers, Chadron State College, Canadian Securities Course, Consumer Software Customization, Common Short Code, Command and Staff College
You also might want to know: how to pronounce CSC, how to pronounce Civil Service Commission, how to pronounce Computer Sciences Corporation, how to pronounce Correctional Service of Canada, how to pronounce Canas Airport, how to pronounce Common Services Centers, how to pronounce Chadron State College, how to pronounce Canadian Securities Course, how to pronounce Consumer Software Customization, how to pronounce Common Short Code, how to pronounce Command and Staff College,
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Showing the full form of CSC:‍ 'Civil Service Commission, Computer Sciences Corporation, Correctional Service of Canada, Canas Airport, Common Services Centers, Chadron State College, Canadian Securities Course, Consumer Software Customization, Common Short Code, Command and Staff College' on your site.
What does CSC mean? What is the full form of CSC?
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