What does DBA mean? What is the full form of DBA?

1, The full form of DBA is Doing Business As. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

Doing Business As (DBA) is a business name that is different from the officially registered name of the company or corporation. DBA names can also be called assumed names or trade names. DBA is often used in the case of brand names and franchises.

2, The full form of DBA is Database Administrator. It’s used on Business ,Job Titles in Worldwide

Database Administrator (DBA) is an individual  responsible for the maintenance, integrity and security of a database.

3, The full form of DBA is Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation. It’s used on Technology ,Communication in Worldwide

Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) is a form of bandwidth management technique by which traffic bandwidth in a shared telecommunications medium can be allocated on demand and fairly between different users of that bandwidth.

4, The full form of DBA is Don Bosco Academy. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in Philippines

Don Bosco Academy (DBA) is a private Catholic educational institution for boys located in Mabalacat, Pampanga, Philippines.

5, The full form of DBA is Diamond–Blackfan Anemia. It’s used on Medical ,Diseases & Conditions in Worldwide

Diamond–Blackfan Anemia (DBA) is a rare blood disorder.

6, The full form of DBA is Defense Base Act. It’s used on Governmental ,Policies & Programs in United States

Defense Base Act (DBA) is an extension to the federal workers’ compensation program which covers longshoremen and harbor workers.

7, The full form of DBA is De Bellis Antiquitatis. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Other Games in Worldwide

De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) is a fast play set of rules for the hobby of historical miniature wargaming.

8, The full form of DBA is Don Bosco Academy, Patna. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in India

Don Bosco Academy, Patna (DBA) is a co-educational institution located in Patna, Bihar, India.

9, The full form of DBA is Defence Bills Agency. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United Kingdom

Defence Bills Agency (DBA) was an executive agency of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD), providing financial management and information to budget holders. It was responsible to the Minister for Defence Procurement.

10, The full form of DBA is Design Basis Accident. It’s used on Technology ,General in Worldwide

Design Basis Accident (DBA) is a postulated accident that a nuclear facility must be designed and built to withstand without loss to the systems, structures, and components necessary to assure public health and safety.

11, The full form of DBA is Dallas Bar Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Professional Associations in United States

Dallas Bar Association (DBA) is a professional organization for lawyers in Dallas, Texas, United States.

12, The full form of DBA is Dalbandin Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Pakistan

Dalbandin Airport (IATA code: DBA, ICAO: OPDB) is a domestic airport located at Dalbandin, Balochistan, Pakistan.



Doing Business Ashow to pronounce Doing Business As

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Database Administratorhow to pronounce Database Administrator

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Dynamic Bandwidth Allocationhow to pronounce Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation

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Don Bosco Academyhow to pronounce Don Bosco Academy

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Diamond–Blackfan Anemiahow to pronounce Diamond–Blackfan Anemia

Translate Diamond–Blackfan Anemia to other language.

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Defense Base Acthow to pronounce Defense Base Act

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De Bellis Antiquitatishow to pronounce De Bellis Antiquitatis

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Don Bosco Academy, Patnahow to pronounce Don Bosco Academy, Patna

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Defence Bills Agencyhow to pronounce Defence Bills Agency

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Design Basis Accidenthow to pronounce Design Basis Accident

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Dallas Bar Associationhow to pronounce Dallas Bar Association

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Dalbandin Airporthow to pronounce Dalbandin Airport

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Do you want to know What does DBA mean? What is the full form of DBA?. Are you looking for What does DBA mean? What is the full form of DBA? What is DBA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DBA. The Full Form of DBA is‍ Doing Business As, Database Administrator, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, Don Bosco Academy, Diamond–Blackfan Anemia, Defense Base Act, De Bellis Antiquitatis, Don Bosco Academy, Patna, Defence Bills Agency, Design Basis Accident, Dallas Bar Association, Dalbandin Airport
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DBA, how to pronounce Doing Business As, how to pronounce Database Administrator, how to pronounce Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, how to pronounce Don Bosco Academy, how to pronounce Diamond–Blackfan Anemia, how to pronounce Defense Base Act, how to pronounce De Bellis Antiquitatis, how to pronounce Don Bosco Academy, Patna, how to pronounce Defence Bills Agency, how to pronounce Design Basis Accident, how to pronounce Dallas Bar Association, how to pronounce Dalbandin Airport,
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Showing the full form of DBA:‍ 'Doing Business As, Database Administrator, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, Don Bosco Academy, Diamond–Blackfan Anemia, Defense Base Act, De Bellis Antiquitatis, Don Bosco Academy, Patna, Defence Bills Agency, Design Basis Accident, Dallas Bar Association, Dalbandin Airport' on your site.
What does DBA mean? What is the full form of DBA?
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