What does DI ENGINE mean? What is the full form of DI ENGINE?

The full form of DI ENGINE is Direct Injection Engine

Gasoline direct injection (GDI), also known as petrol direct injection (PDI), is a mixture formation system for internal combustion engines that run on gasoline (petrol), where fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. This is distinct from manifold fuel injection systems, which inject fuel into the intake manifold.

The use of GDI can help increase engine efficiency and specific power output as well as reduce exhaust emissions.

The first GDI engine to reach production was introduced in 1925 for a low-compression truck engine. Several German cars used a Bosch mechanical GDI system in the 1950s, however usage of the technology remained rare until an electronic GDI system was introduced in 1996 by Mitsubishi for mass-produced cars. GDI has seen rapid adoption by the automotive industry in recent years, increasing in the United States from 2.3% of production for model year 2008 vehicles to approximately 50% for model year 2016



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Do you want to know What does DI ENGINE mean? What is the full form of DI ENGINE?. Are you looking for What does DI ENGINE mean? What is the full form of DI ENGINE? What is DI ENGINE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DI ENGINE. The Full Form of DI ENGINE is‍ Direct Injection Engine
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