What does DNV mean? What is the full form of DNV?

The Full Form DNV is Det Norske Veritas.

Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas is a free-standing, autonomous and independent foundation whose purpose is to safeguard life, property and the environment. This purpose is achieved through its ownership of companies – of which the most important is the DNV GL group, a classification, certification and technical assurance and advisory company.

The DNV GL group was formed following the merger between the classification societies DNV and GL in September 2013. Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas owns 100% of the DNV GL group through Det Norske Veritas Holding AS.

In addition to its main activity as majority owner of DNV GL Group AS, Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas also owns real estate, most notably the headquarters premises of both Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas and the DNV GL group in Norway.



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Do you want to know What does DNV mean? What is the full form of DNV?. Are you looking for What does DNV mean? What is the full form of DNV? What is DNV stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DNV. The Full Form of DNV is‍ Det Norske Veritas
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