What does DPS mean? What is the full form of DPS?

1, The full form of DPS is Damage Per Second . It’s used on Computing ,Games & Entertainment in Worldwide

Damage per second (DPS) is a term commonly used to describe the rate of damage inflicted over time. DPS is a Game Mechanic in Starcraft 2 and is a method for standardizing the amount of damage dealt by units. The term is an aspect of theorycrafting. As a measure of capability, it is more accurate than a simple damage value that does not reflect how often the damage can be dealt.

Damage per second is the rate at which “damage” is dealt to an attackable object within the game over a unit amount of time (1 second). Every unit in the game has a different attack rate and damage dealt per attack. Attack speed is the time interval between each activation of a unit’s weapon. e.g. if a Zealot attacks a Stalker, the time until it next attacks is 0.86 s on Faster speed. This time interval is a constant. This property is also referred to as the Attack Cooldown. The amount of damage a unit deals is also constant for each unit, although this can be increased in the game, such as with Attack upgrades, Some units also deal damage in volleys, i,e, they deal their base damage twice or more per attack, e.g. if a Zealot attacks a Stalker, 8 damage is dealt twice, for 16 damage with each attack. Since every unit has a different attack value and Cooldown, it can be difficult to compare their damage-dealing potential. DPS is one method of comparing two units. Broadly speaking, the higher the DPS value, the less time that one unit takes to defeat another unit.

2, The full form of DPS is Dividends Per Share. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

The formula for dividends per share, or DPS, is the annual dividends paid divided by the number of shares outstanding.

The denominator of the dividends per share formula generally uses the annual weighted average of outstanding shares. The weighted average is also used with the earnings per share formula. However, there are key differences between these two formulas. The numerator for earnings per share is net income, or earnings. The numerator for the dividends per share formula is dividends. Earnings is effectively a continuous process throughout the year whereas dividends are paid at a given moment.

How often a company pays a dividend may warrant consideration for how to calculate the per share portion of the formula when using financial analysis for investments.

An unlikely figurative example would be a company who paid dividends in January with 2,000 outstanding shares and issued 20,000 additional shares in December. The result of the dividends per share formula would vary greatly depending on which method is used for determining the number of shares outstanding. Considering that the dividend yield formula uses dividends per share, it would vary greatly as well.

3, The full form of DPS is Denver Public Schools. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in United States

Our city and our communities are strengthened by each student who graduates ready to lead a successful life. Our goal is to help make sure every student, in every school, has the tools and resources to reach their highest potential. As the strategic fundraising partner for DPS, we work together to find and fund the highest impact investments. We engage our community, educators and DPS to accelerate progress and we help to find the most impactful ways to empower teachers, fuel engaged learning, and support students and their families.
Powered by the generosity of our donors, we have demonstrated the power of public education and impacted the lives of students across DPS for more than a quarter of a century.

Denver Public Schools Foundation was established in 1992 in recognition of the fact that public funds alone cannot adequately support the ambitious efforts to advance student achievement in Denver Public Schools. The DPS Foundation maintained a relatively passive role over the next ten years until it was revitalized in 2002 under the instrumental leadership of former DPS Superintendent Jerry Wartgow. In 2005, under Superintendent Michael Bennet, DPS launched a comprehensive strategic plan called The Denver Plan, and the DPS Foundation worked to align its mission and activities to support the goals and priorities of this far-reaching and ambitious plan. Since 2009, the DPS Foundation has worked closely with Denver Public Schools to support continued implementation of The Denver Plan, while meeting on-going, basic needs of schools and classrooms, teachers and students. As a result of its more than twenty-six year history, the DPS Foundation has become recognized as the portal of philanthropy for community investment in Denver Public Schools and a critical partner to the district for community engagement.

4, The full form of DPS is Delhi Public School. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in India

Delhi Public School (DPS) is a chain of schools in India administered by the Delhi Public School Society. They mission  is to nurture our students to realize their own potential and identify and achieve their goals in an environment of rich tutelage, joyful and harmonious learning while keeping alive the spirit of togetherness and ‘Service Before Self’. Our aim is to bring forth responsible citizens of the world who make a difference and who will make the school and nation proud of their achievements and stellar personal qualities.

Their vision is to prepare our children for life by:-

broadening their horizons so that their world encompasses the whole of mankind.
deepening their thoughts so that their learning becomes the means to achieve that perfection of mind in which analytical reasoning goes hand in hand with logical conclusion.

5, The full form of DPS is Data Processing System. It’s used on Computing ,General Computing in Worldwide

A data processing system is a combination of machines, people, and processes that for a set of inputs produces a defined set of outputs. The inputs and outputs are interpreted as data, facts, information etc. depending on the interpreter’s relation to the system.

6, The full form of DPS is Department of Public Safety. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United States

The Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, commonly known as the Texas Department of Public Safety, is a department of the state government of Texas. The DPS is responsible for statewide law enforcement and vehicle regulation. The Public Safety Commission oversees the DPS. However, under state law, the Governor of Texas may assume command of the department during a public disaster, riot, insurrection, formation of a dangerous resistance to enforcement of law, or to perform his constitutional duty to enforce law. The commission’s five members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Texas Senate, to serve without pay for staggered, six-year terms. The commission formulates plans and policies for enforcing criminal, traffic and safety laws, preventing and detecting crime, apprehending law violators, and educating citizens about laws and public safety.

7, The full form of DPS is Detroit Public Schools. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in United States

Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) is Michigan’s largest public education system. It is governed by a locally-elected, seven-member board with Dr. Nikolai Vitti serving as superintendent. The District’s mission is to provide every student with a beneficial and rightful educational experience, preparing students to be career and college ready, and qualified to compete in the global market. We champion a whole child approach that combines superior academics with socio-emotional, extracurricular, and health services tailored to each individual student’s needs. The District has 106 schools and educates 50,000 children.

8, The full form of DPS is Display PostScript. It’s used on Technology ,Display & Graphics in Worldwide

Display PostScript (or DPS) is a 2D graphics engine system for computers which uses the PostScript (PS) imaging model and language (originally developed for computer printing) to generate on-screen graphics. To the basic PS system, DPS adds a number of features intended to ease working with bitmapped displays and improve performance of some common tasks.

9, The full form of DPS is Ngurah Rai International Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Indonesia

Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport, also known as Denpasar International Airport, is located in southern Bali, 13 km south of Denpasar. It is Indonesia’s second-busiest international airport.

The new international terminal opened in 2013, and the refurbished domestic terminal re-opened in 2014. The new terminal provides 62 check-in counters, expanded duty-free shopping and dining area, as well as ten gate jet bridges for passenger convenience.

10, The full form of DPS is Durham Public Schools. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in United States

Durham Public Schools offers traditional schools, magnet programs, year round calendar schools and small specialty high schools. We are one of the top 30 districts in the nation for employing National Board Certified Teachers, and three of our high schools are on the US News & World Report’s Best High Schools list for 2018 (City Of Medicine Academy, Clement Early College High School, and Durham School of the Arts).

Our school district is one of the top 10 largest in the state, serving more than 32,000 students in both the city and county of Durham. Durham is on an upward trend, recognized all over as one of the hot spots in the south — from food to history to music to education — more and more people are learning what those of us here already know: Durham is the place to be!

Durham’s public schools are nearly as diverse as our 300,000+ residents. The school system offers a wealth of options for students and families; we have something for every kind of learner.

11, The full form of DPS is Division for Planetary Sciences. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Professional Associations in Worldwide

The Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) is a division within the American Astronomical Society (AAS) devoted to solar system research.  It was founded in 1968. The first organizing committee members were: Edward Anders, Lewis Branscomb, Joseph W. Chamberlain, Richard M. Goody, John S. Hall, Arvidas Kliore, Michael B. McElroy, Tobias Owen, Gordon Pettengill, Carl Sagan, and Harlan James Smith. As of 2009, it is the largest special-interest division within the AAS.[1] As of Oct 2010, membership totaled approximately 1415 planetary scientists and astronomers, including about 20% residing outside the U.S.

12, The full form of DPS is Descent Propulsion System. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Astronomy & Space Science in Worldwide

The descent propulsion system (DPS – pronounced ‘dips’) or lunar module descent engine (LMDE) is a variable-throttle hypergolic rocket engine invented by Gerard W. Elverum Jr. and developed by Space Technology Laboratories (TRW) for use in the Apollo Lunar Module descent stage. It used Aerozine 50 fuel and dinitrogen tetroxide (N 2O 4) oxidizer. This engine used a pintle injector, a design also used later in the SpaceX Merlin engine.



Damage Per Second how to pronounce Damage Per Second

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Dividends Per Sharehow to pronounce Dividends Per Share

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Denver Public Schoolshow to pronounce Denver Public Schools

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Delhi Public Schoolhow to pronounce Delhi Public School

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Data Processing Systemhow to pronounce Data Processing System

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Department of Public Safetyhow to pronounce Department of Public Safety

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Detroit Public Schoolshow to pronounce Detroit Public Schools

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Display PostScripthow to pronounce Display PostScript

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Ngurah Rai International Airporthow to pronounce Ngurah Rai International Airport

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Durham Public Schoolshow to pronounce Durham Public Schools

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Division for Planetary Scienceshow to pronounce Division for Planetary Sciences

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Descent Propulsion Systemhow to pronounce Descent Propulsion System

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Do you want to know What does DPS mean? What is the full form of DPS?. Are you looking for What does DPS mean? What is the full form of DPS? What is DPS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DPS. The Full Form of DPS is‍ Damage Per Second , Dividends Per Share, Denver Public Schools, Delhi Public School, Data Processing System, Department of Public Safety, Detroit Public Schools, Display PostScript, Ngurah Rai International Airport, Durham Public Schools, Division for Planetary Sciences, Descent Propulsion System
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DPS, how to pronounce Damage Per Second , how to pronounce Dividends Per Share, how to pronounce Denver Public Schools, how to pronounce Delhi Public School, how to pronounce Data Processing System, how to pronounce Department of Public Safety, how to pronounce Detroit Public Schools, how to pronounce Display PostScript, how to pronounce Ngurah Rai International Airport, how to pronounce Durham Public Schools, how to pronounce Division for Planetary Sciences, how to pronounce Descent Propulsion System,
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