What does E-MAIL mean? What is the full form of E-MAIL?

The full form of E-MAIL is Electronic Mail

Electronic mail (e-mail) is a computer-based application for the exchange of messages between users. A worldwide e-mail network allows people to exchange e-mail messages very quickly. E-mail is the electronic equivalent of a letter, but with advantages in timeliness and flexibility. While a letter will take from one day to a couple of weeks to be delivered, an e-mail is delivered to the intended recipient’s mailbox almost instantaneously, usually in the multiple-second to subminute range. This is the case whether the e-mail is exchanged between people on the same floor of a business, or between friends at opposite points on the globe. This article provides a comprehensive, intermediate-level overview of e-mail, including its main functions, historical and current architectures, key standards, supporting infrastructure, and contemporary and future issues.



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Do you want to know What does E-MAIL mean? What is the full form of E-MAIL?. Are you looking for What does E-MAIL mean? What is the full form of E-MAIL? What is E-MAIL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of E-MAIL. The Full Form of E-MAIL is‍ Electronic Mail
You also might want to know: how to pronounce E-MAIL, how to pronounce Electronic Mail,
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What does E-MAIL mean? What is the full form of E-MAIL?
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