What does ECC mean? What is the full form of ECC?

1, The full form of ECC is Elliptical Curve Cryptography. It’s used on Computing ,Security in Worldwide

Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) is an algorithm for public-key cryptography based on elliptic curves over finite fields. ECC was proposed in 1985 by Victor Miller and Neil Koblitz as an alternative mechanism for implementing public-key cryptography.

2, The full form of ECC is Early Childhood Caries. It’s used on Medical ,Diseases & Conditions in Worldwide

Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a disease characterized by severe decay in the teeth of infants or young children.

3, The full form of ECC is Excise Control Code. It’s used on Governmental ,Rules & Regulations in India

Excise Control Code (ECC) is a tax number assigned, in India, by the Department of Revenue to all the Central Excise Assesses. ECC number is a PAN based 15 digit alpha numeric number. ECC is used for revenue accounting, validation of documents and inter-agency coordination.

Format of ECC Number:  ECC Number = PAN + Category code + Numeric code
PAN (10 digit alpha numeric): Permanent Account Number
Category code (2 character alpha code):  XM – Central Excise Manufacturer, XD – Registered Dealer
Numeric code (3 digit numeric): A three digit number depending on the number of registered factory/premise/warehouse.

4, The full form of ECC is Economic Coordination Committee. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Pakistan

Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) is a principle federal institution and the cabinet level committee responsible for final decisions relating to economy in Pakistan.

5, The full form of ECC is Elgin Community College. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in United States

Elgin Community College is a U.S. post-secondary educational institution which awards Associate of Arts degrees. It was founded in 1949 as part of Elgin Area School District U46.

6, The full form of ECC is Error-correcting Code. It’s used on Computing ,Data Storage in Worldwide

Error-Correcting Code (ECC) is an algorithm for the detection and correction of data in storage or transmission.

7, The full form of ECC is Endocervical Curettage. It’s used on Medical ,Treatments & Procedures in Worldwide

Endocervical Curettage (ECC) is a surgical procedure in which a narrow instrument called a curette is used to scrape the lining of the endocervical canal.

8, The full form of ECC is Electric Car Corporation. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in United Kingdom

Electric Car Corporation (ECC) is an electric car manufacturer and dealer based in Mayfair, London, United Kingdom.

9, The full form of ECC is Error Correcting Code

In computing, telecommunication, information theory, and coding theory, an error correction code, sometimes error correcting code, (ECC) is used for controlling errors in data over unreliable or noisy communication channels. The central idea is the sender encodes the message with redundant information in the form of an ECC. The redundancy allows the receiver to detect a limited number of errors that may occur anywhere in the message, and often to correct these errors without retransmission. The American mathematician Richard Hamming pioneered this field in the 1940s and invented the first error-correcting code in 1950: the Hamming (7,4) code.

10, The full form of ECC is El Camino College

Founded in 1947, El Camino College is well-known for its academic excellence, consistently high transfer rate to four-year colleges and universities, and exceptional career training programs.



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Early Childhood Carieshow to pronounce Early Childhood Caries

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Excise Control Codehow to pronounce Excise Control Code

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Economic Coordination Committeehow to pronounce Economic Coordination Committee

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Elgin Community Collegehow to pronounce Elgin Community College

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Error-correcting Codehow to pronounce Error-correcting Code

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Endocervical Curettagehow to pronounce Endocervical Curettage

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Electric Car Corporationhow to pronounce Electric Car Corporation

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Error Correcting Codehow to pronounce Error Correcting Code

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Do you want to know What does ECC mean? What is the full form of ECC?. Are you looking for What does ECC mean? What is the full form of ECC? What is ECC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ECC. The Full Form of ECC is‍ Elliptical Curve Cryptography, Early Childhood Caries, Excise Control Code, Economic Coordination Committee, Elgin Community College, Error-correcting Code, Endocervical Curettage, Electric Car Corporation, Error Correcting Code
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ECC, how to pronounce Elliptical Curve Cryptography, how to pronounce Early Childhood Caries, how to pronounce Excise Control Code, how to pronounce Economic Coordination Committee, how to pronounce Elgin Community College, how to pronounce Error-correcting Code, how to pronounce Endocervical Curettage, how to pronounce Electric Car Corporation, how to pronounce Error Correcting Code,
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