What does EDPMS mean? What is the full form of EDPMS?

The Full Form of EDPMS is Export Data Processing and Monitoring System.

Export Data Processing & Monitoring System is an online system, launched by RBI, on March 1,2014 for monitoring all export activities in India. With this system all banks have come on single platform thus bringing uniformity in modus operandi on exports related transactions in India.

Benefits of EDPMS system :

Integration of banks with RBI system gives ease of

  1. Handling of shipping bills

  2. Unravelling delayed utilisation of advance received for exports

  3. Detect XOS/Caution ( Export Outstanding ) list

  4. Simplifying overall process as everything is online



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Do you want to know What does EDPMS mean? What is the full form of EDPMS?. Are you looking for What does EDPMS mean? What is the full form of EDPMS? What is EDPMS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EDPMS. The Full Form of EDPMS is‍ Export Data Processing and Monitoring System
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