What does EMF mean? What is the full form of EMF?

1, The full form of EMF is Electromagnetic Field. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Physics in Worldwide

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) or EM field, is a field produced by electrically charged particles in motion. EMF has both electric and magnetic components and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.

2, The full form of EMF is Eclipse Modeling Framework. It’s used on Computing ,Programming & Development in Worldwide

Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is an Eclipse-based modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model.

3, The full form of EMF is Electromagnetic Field. It’s used on Regional ,Festivals & Events in United States

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) or EMF Camp, is a technology-focused camping festival in the United Kingdom.

4, The full form of EMF is Educational Media Foundation. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in United States

Educational Media Foundation (EMF) is a radio broadcasting company headquartered in Rocklin, California, United States.

5, The full form of EMF is Energy Modeling Forum. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) is an Energy organization in the United States. It provides a forum for discussing important issues in energy and the environment.

6, The full form of EMF is European Metalworkers’ Federation. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Trade Associations in Belgium

European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF) is a federation of metalworkers’ unions headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

7, The full form of EMF is European Mortgage Federation. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Trade Associations in European Union

European Mortgage Federation (EMF) is an association of European mortgage industry representing the interests of mortgage lenders at the European level.

8, The full form of EMF is European Museum Forum. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in European Union

European Museum Forum (EMF) is a museum organization under the Council of Europe (CoE).

9, The full form of EMF is Electrobeach Music Festival. It’s used on Regional ,Festivals & Events in France

Electrobeach Music Festival (EMF) is an annual electronic dance music festival held at a park in Port-Barcarès, France.

10, The full form of EMF is Electronic Music Foundation. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) is a music organization based in the United States.

11, The full form of EMF is European Minifootball Federation. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Sports & Recreation Organizations in Worldwide

European Minifootball Federation (EMF) is the administrative body for minifootball in Europe and part of Asia.

12, The full form of EMF is Emerging Markets Forum. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

Emerging Markets Forum (EMF) is an economic organization based in Washington, DC, United States.

13, The full form of EMF is English Music Festival. It’s used on Regional ,Festivals & Events in United Kingdom

English Music Festival (EMF) is a music festival held in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It is dedicated to the performance of British composers.



Electromagnetic Fieldhow to pronounce Electromagnetic Field

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Eclipse Modeling Frameworkhow to pronounce Eclipse Modeling Framework

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Educational Media Foundationhow to pronounce Educational Media Foundation

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Energy Modeling Forumhow to pronounce Energy Modeling Forum

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European Metalworkers' Federationhow to pronounce European Metalworkers' Federation

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European Mortgage Federationhow to pronounce European Mortgage Federation

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European Museum Forumhow to pronounce European Museum Forum

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Electrobeach Music Festivalhow to pronounce Electrobeach Music Festival

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Electronic Music Foundationhow to pronounce Electronic Music Foundation

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European Minifootball Federationhow to pronounce European Minifootball Federation

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Emerging Markets Forumhow to pronounce Emerging Markets Forum

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English Music Festivalhow to pronounce English Music Festival

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Do you want to know What does EMF mean? What is the full form of EMF?. Are you looking for What does EMF mean? What is the full form of EMF? What is EMF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EMF. The Full Form of EMF is‍ Electromagnetic Field, Eclipse Modeling Framework, Educational Media Foundation, Energy Modeling Forum, European Metalworkers' Federation, European Mortgage Federation, European Museum Forum, Electrobeach Music Festival, Electronic Music Foundation, European Minifootball Federation, Emerging Markets Forum, English Music Festival
You also might want to know: how to pronounce EMF, how to pronounce Electromagnetic Field, how to pronounce Eclipse Modeling Framework, how to pronounce Educational Media Foundation, how to pronounce Energy Modeling Forum, how to pronounce European Metalworkers' Federation, how to pronounce European Mortgage Federation, how to pronounce European Museum Forum, how to pronounce Electrobeach Music Festival, how to pronounce Electronic Music Foundation, how to pronounce European Minifootball Federation, how to pronounce Emerging Markets Forum, how to pronounce English Music Festival,
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Showing the full form of EMF:‍ 'Electromagnetic Field, Eclipse Modeling Framework, Educational Media Foundation, Energy Modeling Forum, European Metalworkers' Federation, European Mortgage Federation, European Museum Forum, Electrobeach Music Festival, Electronic Music Foundation, European Minifootball Federation, Emerging Markets Forum, English Music Festival' on your site.
What does EMF mean? What is the full form of EMF?
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