The Full Form of EOPRD is Extension Officer of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development.
Rural development is the main pillar of state development. Rural Orissa has lagged behind in development because of many historical reasons. The thrust of policies and programmes of Panchayati Raj department is on all round economic development and social justice through empowerment. The activities of Panchayati Raj Department can be classified into following categories: |
Poverty Amelioration Programme |
Orissa’s poverty is an enigma for planners and administrators. The state is endowed with rich natural resources in form of vast mineral deposits, forests, fertile land, plentiful surface and ground water resources, long coastline and picturesque tourist potential. But such resources have not been exploited adequately to raise the PQLI of people. Poverty eradication strategy therefore has to be a combination of natural and human resources management. This programme has four major components and these are : |
1. |
Wage-employment Programme. |
2. |
Self Employment Programme. |
3. |
Housing for the poor. |
4. |
Development of Rural Infrastructure. |
5. |
Marketing initiative through ORMAS. |
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