What does ESE mean? What is the full form of ESE?

The Full Form of ESE is Engineering Services Examination.

The Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is conducted to recruit officers for the services which cater to the technical and managerial functions of the Government of India in the field of engineering. As in most countries, the Indian government recruits its civil servants and officials through competitive examinations. Many candidates take the exams, competing for a limited number of posts. Officers are selected by the union government on the recommendation of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). A three-stage competitive examination (preliminary, main and personality tests), the Engineering Services Examination (ESE), is conducted by the UPSC for recruitment to the Engineering Services.

Officers recruited through ESE are mandated to manage and conduct activities in diverse technical fields.

Government spending makes up over 15 percent of India’s gross domestic product in a broad segment of the economy and infrastructure, including railways, roads, defense, manufacturing, inspection, supply, construction, public works, power, and telecommunications. Appointments to Group A services are made by the President of India, and appointments to Group B services are made by a competent authority of the relevant department.



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Do you want to know What does ESE mean? What is the full form of ESE?. Are you looking for What does ESE mean? What is the full form of ESE? What is ESE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ESE. The Full Form of ESE is‍ Engineering Services Examination
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