What does FDB mean? What is the full form of FDB?

The Full Form of FDB is Fluid Dynamic Bearing.

In 1994, Nidec launched mass production of HDD spindle motors that use FDBs (Fluid Dynamic Bearings) ahead of other companies. Production volumes increased from around 2000, and in 2002, FDB became mainstream bearings for HDD spindle motors. The reason for this was a dramatic increase in HDD recording density. In principle, conventional ball bearings could not eliminate the non-uniformity of balls. The variation between the balls caused the non-periodic vibration, the so-called the NRRO (Non-Repetitive Run Out), and this vibration interfered with the data writing and reading to/from the fine-pitch and high-density recording tracks.



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Do you want to know What does FDB mean? What is the full form of FDB?. Are you looking for What does FDB mean? What is the full form of FDB? What is FDB stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FDB. The Full Form of FDB is‍ Fluid Dynamic Bearing
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