What does FFBT mean? What is the full form of FFBT?

The full form of FFBT is First Farmer’s Bank & Trust
his acronym represents the company name “First Farmer’s Bank & Trust.” This is a banking institution and is one of the largest privately-owned banks in the Midwest serving the states of Indiana and Illinois.

Origin of FFBT
The first banking institution associated with First Farmers was established in the 1850s under the name Mark Tully’s Exchange Bank. Mark Tully is the man credited with the initial roots of this well-known banking institution. Over the next 50 years, the institution grew to become one of the largest banks in the Midwest through their superior customer service and practice. Since the early 1900s, the institution has gradually expanded to many other branch locations in Indiana and Illinois. Today the bank is able to serves 60,000 customers, employees 400 associates, and has approximately $1.7 billion in assets. Owners and customers alike contribute its success to providing advanced banking options while still offering old-fashioned service.

Other Meanings
This acronym also represents the French title “Fédération Française de Ball-Trap et de Tir a Balle.” This title represents an association in France for the enthusiasts of clay pigeon shooting, also known as ball, trap, or skeet shooting in the U.S.

Conversation Examples
A text message exchange between two friends.

Friend 1: Do you know where the nearest FFBT is?
Friend 2: Yes, it is about five miles away from you in the Palisades shopping center.
Friend 1: Okay! Thank you!



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Do you want to know What does FFBT mean? What is the full form of FFBT?. Are you looking for What does FFBT mean? What is the full form of FFBT? What is FFBT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FFBT. The Full Form of FFBT is‍ First Farmer’s Bank & Trust
You also might want to know: how to pronounce FFBT, how to pronounce First Farmer’s Bank & Trust,
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What does FFBT mean? What is the full form of FFBT?
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