What does GBU mean? What is the full form of GBU?

The Full Form of GBU is Groupes Bibliques Universitaires.

The Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU) are student groups that meet at universities or nearby for in-depth Bible study. They were founded in the beginning of the 20th century and currently operate in an officially recognized way in more than 154 countries, with a presence in 168 countries.

The goal of the GBU is to discuss Biblical texts and to make the Bible known in the academic world. Though they have a clear evangelical Christian orientation, those groups are non-denominational and are open to all students.(p16) The French and Swiss GBU are founding members of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Union Internationale des Groupes Bibliques Universitaires), a network of like-minded campus organizations around the world.



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