What does GCVT mean? What is the full form of GCVT?

The Full Form of GCVT is‍ Gujarat Council of Vocational Training.

Gujarat State has taken rapid strides in Industrial development, hence the flow of huge investment in global industrialization will take place. In order to fulfill the requirement of skilled man power to industries and to provide financial autonomy in day today governance of the Industrial Training Institute through Institutional Management Committees (IMCs)

as envisage in the tenth plan, the Government of Gujarat has formed an autonomous council vide Resolution No. TLM/122000/2014/R-2 Dated 13-03-2002 and registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act. 1950 (XXIX of 1950) and the Societies registration Act. 1860. (ACT XXI of 1860).



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Do you want to know What does GCVT mean? What is the full form of GCVT?. Are you looking for What does GCVT mean? What is the full form of GCVT? What is GCVT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GCVT. The Full Form of GCVT is‍ Gujarat Council of Vocational Training
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