What does GDPD mean? What is the full form of GDPD?

The Full Form of GDPD is‍ Graduate Diploma Programme in Design.

Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) is Diploma level Fashion and Interior Design course. Fashion Design is the study of creating original designs in garments, footwear, jewellery, luggage, etc and a study of the ever-changing trends in the fashion industry and market. In other words, it is the study of creating original designs which involve converting artistic talent and creativity in creating products like clothing, textiles, jewellery, footwear and other accessories. The course also includes a detailed study of the market trends and the related fashion. The duration of the course is four years and it is career orienting in nature that offers many jobs after its completion.

Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) Course Suitability

  • Candidate should be an expert in drawing things which reflects what’s within your thoughts and mind for telling people. 
  • They should be creative, a keen observer should keep yourself aware of what is the latest you should know how to communicate with people. 
  • The course is suitable for those who are willing to become teacher and lecturer in schools and colleges.

How is Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) Course Beneficial?

  • Candidates are readily accepted in Garments, Leather, Textiles, and other fashion-related industries. Fashion Design degree makes one eligible and competent enough to open their own fashion house to exhibit their fashion skills. 
  • Course besides satisfying the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people, also promises glamour, fame, success and high pay packages to its students. 
  • They can also go for further degrees like Master’s Degree and then for research degrees.



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