The Full Form of HDU is High Dependency Unit.
Some hospitals have High Dependency Units (HDUs), also called step-down, progressive and intermediate care units. HDUs are wards for people who need more intensive observation, treatment and nursing care than is possible in a general ward but slightly less than that given in intensive care. The ratio of nurses to patients may be slightly lower than in intensive care but higher than in most general wards. Some hospitals have a combined ICU and HDU or a certain number of beds in ICU given to HDU patients. In these cases, although a person is not moved to another ward, the level of care is slightly reduced as s/he is no longer in such a critical state. People spend varying lengths of time in HDU, depending on the nature of their illness and the demands on the unit. Some hospitals in the UK have no HDUs, and in these cases people are usually transferred directly from intensive care to a general ward.
High-dependency units (HDUs) provide high-level care to patients who suffer from single organ failure, with the exception of respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation; HDUs serve as an intermediary between general wards and Intensive Care Units. Due to military and civilian needs, our hospital has established a unique HDU for patients with liver disease in China. A Chinese military officer in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in South Sudan was transferred to our HDU for liver failure treatment in 2018. The patient’s disease status, nutrition, sleep habits, and psychological behaviour were monitored on different scales. The patient was provided with vascular monitoring, telemetry, pulse oximetry, drug treatment, nutritional support, sleep intervention, psychological intervention, and humanistic care by a multidisciplinary treatment team. After treatment, the patient recovered and avoided liver transplantation. Based on the experience with this HDU, this new model may create an efficient treatment process for military and civilian patients with severe liver disease at home or abroad.
High-dependency units (HDUs), also known as intermediate care units and step-down units, were established to provide a level of care between the general ward and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) [1,2,3]. In the United Kingdom, this level of care is thought to be suitable for patients suffering from single organ failure, with the exception of those with respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation [1,2,3]. However, the indications for HDU admission vary regionally and even within institutions [1,2,3,4]. HDUs are believed to confer advantages in the management of postoperative, paediatric, cardiac, and respiratory syndromes, and HDU admission may reduce the need for unnecessary ICU admission [4,5,6]. As such, it has been argued that HDUs may be cost-saving and improve access to the ICU for patients who are truly dependent on critical care resources [6]. Furthermore, HDUs may facilitate earlier ICU discharge and reduce the likelihood of ICU readmission [7]. One study even suggested that HDUs may improve patient satisfaction [8]. Last, increased humanistic care in HDUs may help reduce the incidence of post-intensive care syndrome in patients who are otherwise at risk [9]. However, the role of HDUs in the management of patients with severe liver disease (SLD) has received limited attention [10]. The purpose of this letter is to describe the first HDU for SLD in China and showcase its performance using an example case.
High Dependency Unit
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