What does HOGC mean? What is the full form of HOGC?

The Full Form of HOGC is Haryana Open General Category.

If the seats reserved for Physically Handicapped persons remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable handicapped candidates, 1% of State Quota Seats shall be reserved for ESM & their wards and 1% of State Quota Seats for the dependents of freedom fighters.

Remaining 50% seats shall be filled up on the basis of merit of all Haryana Residents, including candidates belonging to reserved categories. These seats shall be called Haryana Open General Category (HOGC).



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Do you want to know What does HOGC mean? What is the full form of HOGC?. Are you looking for What does HOGC mean? What is the full form of HOGC? What is HOGC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HOGC. The Full Form of HOGC is‍ Haryana Open General Category
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