What does INM mean? What is the full form of INM?

The Full Form of INM is Integrated Noise Model.

The Integrated Noise Model (INM) has been replaced by the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) as of May 2015.

The INM was a computer model that evaluated aircraft noise impacts in the vicinity of airports. It was developed based on the algorithm and framework from the SAE AIR 1845 standard, which used noise-power-distance (NPD) data to estimate noise accounting for specific operation mode, thrust setting, and source-receiver geometry, acoustic directivity, and other environmental factors. The INM could output either noise contours for an area or noise level at pre-selected locations. The noise output could be exposure-based, maximum-level-based, or time-based.



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Do you want to know What does INM mean? What is the full form of INM?. Are you looking for What does INM mean? What is the full form of INM? What is INM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of INM. The Full Form of INM is‍ Integrated Noise Model
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