What does ITPO mean? What is the full form of ITPO?

The Full Form of ITPO is India Trade Promotion Organisation.

India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) is the premier trade promotion agency of India, provides a broad spectrum of services to trade and industry and acts as a catalyst for growth of India’s trade. The main Corporate objectives of ITPO are:

  • To promote external and domestic trade of India in cost effective manner by organizing and participating in international trade fairs in India and abroad; organizing buyer-seller meets and contact promotion programmes abroad; conducting overseas market surveys, exchanging and contact promotion programmes abroad; conducting overseas market surveys, exchanging and coordinating visits of business delegations, and undertake need based research to facilitate trade in specific sectors/markets;
  • To support and assist small and medium enterprises to access markets both in India and abroad;
  • To disseminate trade information and facilitate E-commerce/trade;
  • To develop quality physical infrastructure, services and management so as to enable holding of trade promotion events such as conventions and trade exhibitions of international standard; and
  • To enlist the involvement and support of the State Governments, other government trade promotion agencies, trade and industry associations in trade promotion of India’s external and domestic trade.



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Do you want to know What does ITPO mean? What is the full form of ITPO?. Are you looking for What does ITPO mean? What is the full form of ITPO? What is ITPO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ITPO. The Full Form of ITPO is‍ India Trade Promotion Organisation
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