What does IVC mean? What is the full form of IVC?

The Full Form of IVC is‍ Intravenous cholangiogram.

The intravenous cholangiogram or IVC is a radiologic (x-ray) procedure that is used primarily to look at the larger bile ducts within the liver and the bile ducts outside the liver. The procedure can be used to locate gallstones within these bile ducts. IVC also can be used to identify other causes of obstruction to the flow of bile, for example, narrowings (strictures) of the bile ducts and cancers that may impair the normal flow of bile.

To do an IVC, an iodine-containing dye is injected intravenously into the blood. The dye is then removed from blood by the liver which excretes it into the bile. The iodine is concentrated enough just as it is secreted into bile that it does not need to be further concentrated by the gallbladder in order to outline the bile ducts and any gallstones that may be within them. The gallbladder is not always seen on an IVC since the iodine-containing bile may bypass the gallbladder entirely and empty directly into the small intestine.



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Do you want to know What does IVC mean? What is the full form of IVC?. Are you looking for What does IVC mean? What is the full form of IVC? What is IVC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IVC. The Full Form of IVC is‍ Intravenous cholangiogram
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