What does JCT mean? What is the full form of JCT?

The Full Form of JCT is Jagatjit Cotton & Textile.

Jagatjit Cotton & Textile Football Club, often abbreviated as JCT FC, founded in 1971, was an Indian professional football club based in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. They were sponsored by Jagatjit Cotton and Textile Mills under the leadership of Samir Thapar and played in the National Football League which was later renamed I-League, and Punjab State Super League. The club was disbanded in 2011.

JCT have won many prestigious tournaments and brought laurels to the State of Punjab. They won the inaugural edition of the National Football League in 1996.



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Do you want to know What does JCT mean? What is the full form of JCT?. Are you looking for What does JCT mean? What is the full form of JCT? What is JCT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of JCT. The Full Form of JCT is‍ Jagatjit Cotton & Textile
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