What does lIB I mean? What is the full form of lIB I?

The full form of lIB I is Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited

The Industrial Investment Bank of India (IIBI) was a government of India-owned financial investment institution that operated from its inception in 1971 until it was closed down by the Indian government in 2012. It was a type of development bank with the aim of rehabilitating sick industrial companies in India. IIBI offered a wide range of products and services, including term loan assistance for project finance, short duration non-project asset-backed financing, working capital/other short-term

It was established in 1971 by resolution of the Parliament of India u/s 617 of the Companies Act.[1] The bank was headquartered at Kolkata and had presence in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Guwahati.



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Do you want to know What does LIB I mean? What is the full form of LIB I?. Are you looking for What does LIB I mean? What is the full form of LIB I? What is LIB I stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LIB I. The Full Form of LIB I is‍ Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited
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