What does Linux mean? What is the full form of Linux?

The full form of Linux is named after Linus Torvalds, who initiated the development of the open source Linux kernel.. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

Linux is a free and open source Unix-like computer operating system originally developed for Intel x86-based personal computers by Linus Torvalds. The name Linux is used in many ways ie as a kernel, as an operating system as GNU/Linux (because so many of the Linux programs and commands come from the GNU project), the term Linux is also used for a Linux distribution.
During the development Linux Torvalds stored the files to the FTP server (ftp.funet.fi) of Finnish University and Research Network (FUNET) under the name “Freax” ( a portmanteau of “freak”, “free”, and “x” for UniX). One of the administrators for the FTP server at the time, did not think that “Freax” was a good name. So, he renamed the project name to “Linux” (as a a portmanteau of Linus Torvalds and Unix) on the server.



named after Linus Torvalds, who initiated the development of the open source Linux kernelhow to pronounce named after Linus Torvalds, who initiated the development of the open source Linux kernel

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Do you want to know What does LINUX mean? What is the full form of LINUX?. Are you looking for What does LINUX mean? What is the full form of LINUX? What is LINUX stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LINUX. The Full Form of LINUX is‍ named after Linus Torvalds, who initiated the development of the open source Linux kernel
You also might want to know: how to pronounce LINUX, how to pronounce named after Linus Torvalds, who initiated the development of the open source Linux kernel,
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What does LINUX mean? What is the full form of LINUX?
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