What does LKO mean? What is the full form of LKO?

The Full Form of LKO is‍ Lucknow.

Lucknow, a large city in northern India, is the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh. Toward its center is Rumi Darwaza, a Mughal gateway. Nearby, the 18th-century Bara Imambara shrine has a huge arched hall. Upstairs, Bhool Bhulaiya is a maze of narrow tunnels with city views from its upper balconies. Close by, the grand Victorian Husainabad Clock Tower was built as a victory column in 1881. 



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Do you want to know What does LKO mean? What is the full form of LKO?. Are you looking for What does LKO mean? What is the full form of LKO? What is LKO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LKO. The Full Form of LKO is‍ Lucknow
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What does LKO mean? What is the full form of LKO?
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