What does LLR mean? What is the full form of LLR?

The Full Form of LLR is Large Lattice Relaxation.

Large lattice relaxation was first revealed in electron spin resonance studies of vacancies and vacancy-impurity complexes in Si. These centers were found to have large Jahn-Teller distortions. More recent studies, mainly capacitance measurements, have revealed a number of other large lattice relaxation phenomena. These are large Stokes shifts in optical transitions, recombination enhanced defect motion, self-trapping at an impurity and capture by multiphonon emission. All of the processes mentioned above are briefly reviewed, and for capture by multiphonon emission, a detailed model is presented.



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Do you want to know What does LLR mean? What is the full form of LLR?. Are you looking for What does LLR mean? What is the full form of LLR? What is LLR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LLR. The Full Form of LLR is‍ Large Lattice Relaxation
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