What does LSR mean? What is the full form of LSR?

The full form of LSR is Land Speed Record.

The land speed record (or absolute land speed record) is the highest speed achieved by a person using a vehicle on land. There is no single body for validation and regulation; in practice the Category C (“Special Vehicles”) flying start regulations are used, officiated by regional or national organizations under the auspices of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). The land speed record (LSR) is standardized as the speed over a course of fixed length, averaged over two runs (commonly called “passes”). Two runs are required in opposite directions within one hour, and a new record mark must exceed the previous one by at least one percent to be validated.


It was May 1997, and the 34-year-old British fighter pilot was, technically at least, on holiday. He’d saved up his time off to come out to a desolate, sun-baked mudflat near the village of Al-Jafr in Jordan. Here he was driving – or perhaps more accurately, piloting – a 10-tonne (11-US-ton), 14.5-m-long (48-ft) jet-powered car called Thrust SSC. Along with a team of sunburned, dust-covered engineers, he was trying to iron-out the last few problems with the vehicle before shipping it off to the United States for a world record attempt.



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Do you want to know What does LSR mean? What is the full form of LSR?. Are you looking for What does LSR mean? What is the full form of LSR? What is LSR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LSR. The Full Form of LSR is‍ Land Speed Record
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