What does LTPS mean? What is the full form of LTPS?

The Full Form of LTPS is Low Temperature PolySilicon.

Low-temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) is polycrystalline silicon that has been synthesized at relatively low temperatures (~650 °C and lower) compared to in traditional methods (above 900 °C). LTPS is important for display industries, since the use of large glass panels prohibits exposure to deformative high temperatures. More specifically, the use of polycrystalline silicon in thin-film transistors (LTPS-TFT) has high potential for large-scale production of electronic devices like flat panel LCD displays or image sensors



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Do you want to know What does LTPS mean? What is the full form of LTPS?. Are you looking for What does LTPS mean? What is the full form of LTPS? What is LTPS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LTPS. The Full Form of LTPS is‍ Low Temperature PolySilicon
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