What does LTR mean? What is the full form of LTR?

The full form of ltr is Long Term Relationship
There are a couple of meanings for this slang term ‘ltr’. The first is ‘Long Term Relationship’ and is used in the reference of a romantic couple. This describes the status of their relationship and is often seen on Craigslist classifieds for people looking for an ‘ltr’ (Long Term Relationship).

A second meaning for the term is a completely different definition known as ‘Live To Rage’ usually means the person is not looking for that long term commitment. This meaning ‘Live To Rage’ is a perfect definition for the hard-partying set of individuals.

Origin of this texting abbreviation

As with most other slang terms, this became popular with the birth of social media. Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook are all instances of people using an abbreviated way of speaking for the ‘ltr’ (Live To Rage) and ‘Long Term Relationship’ are more commonly found on sites like Craigslist and Tender.



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Do you want to know What does LTR mean? What is the full form of LTR?. Are you looking for What does LTR mean? What is the full form of LTR? What is LTR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LTR. The Full Form of LTR is‍ Long Term Relationship
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What does LTR mean? What is the full form of LTR?
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