What does LUN mean? What is the full form of LUN?

1, The full form of LUN is Logical Unit Number. It’s used on Computing ,Data Storage in Worldwide

Logical Unit Number (LUN) is a unique identifier used to differentiate separate devices or logical units, so that they can be accessed by a SCSI, iSCSI or Fibre Channel protocol.

2, The full form of LUN is Lundin Mining Corporation. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in Worldwide

Lundin Mining Corporation (TSX: LUN) is a diversified base metals mining company with operations in Portugal, Sweden, Spain and Ireland, producing copper, zinc, lead and nickel. Lundin Mining is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

3, The full form of LUN is Kenneth Kaunda International Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Zambia

Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (IATA code: LUN, ICAO: FLKK) is an international airport in Lusaka, Zambia.



Logical Unit Numberhow to pronounce Logical Unit Number

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Lundin Mining Corporationhow to pronounce Lundin Mining Corporation

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Kenneth Kaunda International Airporthow to pronounce Kenneth Kaunda International Airport

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Do you want to know What does LUN mean? What is the full form of LUN?. Are you looking for What does LUN mean? What is the full form of LUN? What is LUN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LUN. The Full Form of LUN is‍ Logical Unit Number, Lundin Mining Corporation, Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
You also might want to know: how to pronounce LUN, how to pronounce Logical Unit Number, how to pronounce Lundin Mining Corporation, how to pronounce Kenneth Kaunda International Airport,
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Showing the full form of LUN:‍ 'Logical Unit Number, Lundin Mining Corporation, Kenneth Kaunda International Airport' on your site.
What does LUN mean? What is the full form of LUN?
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