What does LY mean? What is the full form of LY?

1, The full form of LY is Libya. It’s used on Regional ,Countries in Libya

Libya (ISO 3166 code: LY), officially the State of Libya, is a country in North Africa.

2, The full form of LY is Love You. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide

In chat, LY mean “Love You.”

3, The full form of LY is Labour Youth. It’s used on Governmental ,Politics in Ireland

Labour Youth (LY) is the youth wing of the Irish political party the Labour Party of Ireland, representing a youth voice within the Labour Party.

4, The full form of LY is Laughter Yoga . It’s used on Medical ,Treatments & Procedures in Worldwide

Laughter Yoga (LY) is a series exercises based on the philosophy of “acting happy.” Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.



Libyahow to pronounce Libya

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Love Youhow to pronounce Love You

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Labour Youthhow to pronounce Labour Youth

Translate Labour Youth to other language.

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Laughter Yoga how to pronounce Laughter Yoga

Translate Laughter Yoga to other language.

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Do you want to know What does LY mean? What is the full form of LY?. Are you looking for What does LY mean? What is the full form of LY? What is LY stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LY. The Full Form of LY is‍ Libya, Love You, Labour Youth, Laughter Yoga
You also might want to know: how to pronounce LY, how to pronounce Libya, how to pronounce Love You, how to pronounce Labour Youth, how to pronounce Laughter Yoga ,
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What does LY mean? What is the full form of LY?
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