What does MAIT mean? What is the full form of MAIT?

The Full Form of MAIT is Major Accident Investigation Team.

The Major Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) is responsible for investigating all fatal, major injury, and serious traffic collisions that occur within the City of Arcadia.  The MAIT Team also assists with homicide and major crime scene investigations by employing their specialized equipment to create factual diagrams. This is a highly technical position that requires expertise in traffic collision cause, effect, and reconstruction.  Members are required to minimally complete 240 hours of training for Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Traffic Collision Investigations before moving on to more specialized training in Collision Reconstruction, Speed Determination from Crush, Auto vs. Pedestrian / Bicycle, Railroad Grade Crossing Collisions, Commercial Vehicles, and more.  The MAIT Team is “on-call” 24 hours a day and is sometimes requested by neighboring cities to assist with investigations.  In addition to traffic collisions, the team is also frequently called upon to diagram crime scenes for other investigative sections due to their expertise in this particular field.  There are currently five members including a detective/lead investigator and four full-time traffic officers.  The team employs advanced technologies and equipment, including laser-based surveying total station equipment, an electronic accelerometer and advanced diagramming, analysis and animation software.  Since its inception in 1996, the MAIT Team has investigated 106 major and fatal traffic collisions and averages 6 major investigations per year.



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Do you want to know What does MAIT mean? What is the full form of MAIT?. Are you looking for What does MAIT mean? What is the full form of MAIT? What is MAIT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MAIT. The Full Form of MAIT is‍ Major Accident Investigation Team
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