What does MARS mean? What is the full form of MARS?

The Full Form of MARS is‍ Medical and Related Sciences.

MaRS Discovery District is a not-for-profit corporation founded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2000. Its stated goal is to commercialize publicly funded medical research and other technologies with the help of local private enterprises and as such is a public-private partnership. As part of its mission MaRS says, “MaRS helps create successful global businesses from Canada’s science, technology and social innovation.” As of 2014, startup companies emerging from MaRS had created more than 4,000 jobs, and in the period of 2011 to 2014 had raised over $750 million in capital investments.

The name MaRS was originally drawn from a file name, and later attributed with the title “Medical and Related Sciences.” It has since abandoned this association as it also works in other fields such as information and communications technology, engineering, and social innovation.



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Do you want to know What does MARS mean? What is the full form of MARS?. Are you looking for What does MARS mean? What is the full form of MARS? What is MARS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MARS. The Full Form of MARS is‍ Medical and Related Sciences
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What does MARS mean? What is the full form of MARS?
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