What does MG mean? What is the full form of MG?

1, The full form of MG is Madagascar. It’s used on Regional ,Countries in Madagascar

Madagascar (ISO 3166 code: MG), officially the Republic of Madagascar, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

2, The full form of MG is Minas Gerais. It’s used on Regional ,States & Districts in Brazil

Minas Gerais (MG) is a state in Brazil.

3, The full form of MG is Myasthenia Gravis. It’s used on Medical ,Diseases & Conditions in Worldwide

Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles.

4, The full form of MG is Morris Garages. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in Worldwide

MG is an automotive brand. The MG Car Company was a British sports car manufacturer founded in the 1920s by Cecil Kimber. The MG Car Company got its name from Morris Garages, a dealer of Morris cars in Oxford which began producing its own customized versions to the designs of Cecil Kimber, who had joined the company as its sales manager in 1921. Later SAIC Motor acquired the MG brand.

5, The full form of MG is Machine Gun. It’s used on Governmental ,Weapons & Forces in Worldwide

Machine Gun (MG) is a fully automatic mounted or portable gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed.

6, The full form of MG is Major General. It’s used on Governmental ,Titles in Worldwide

Major General (MG) or major-general is a military rank used in many countries. MG is a high-ranking officer above brigadier or brigadier general and below lieutenant general.

7, The full form of MG is Motor-Generator. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Electrical in Worldwide

Motor-Generator (MG or M-G) or M-G set, refers to a composite device consisting of a motor and a generator mechanically coupled through the common shaft. It is used for converting electrical power from one form to another.

8, The full form of MG is Medal for Gallantry. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in Australia

Medal for Gallantry (MG) is a military decoration awarded to personnel of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

9, The full form of MG is Microgrid. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Electrical in Worldwide

Microgrid (MG) is a small-scale power production and delivery system that can operate independently or in conjunction with other power grids.

10, The full form of MG is Monoglycerides. It’s used on Medical ,Biochemistry in Worldwide

Monoglycerides (MG) are a class of glycerides.

11, The full form of MG is Malachite Green. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide

Malachite Green (MG) is an organic compound that is used as a dye, and sometimes as an antimicrobial in aquaculture.

12, The full form of MG is Monte Generoso. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Rail Transport in Switzerland

Monte Generoso (MG) railway, is a mountain railway line in Ticino, Switzerland.

13, The full form of MG is Match Game. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in Worldwide

Match Game (MG) is a television game show.

14, The full form of MG is Michaelis–Gutmann. It’s used on Medical ,Anatomy & Physiology in Worldwide

Michaelis–Gutmann (MG or M-G) bodies, are concentrically layered basophilic inclusions found in the urinary tract.

15, The full form of MG is Megagauss. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Units in Worldwide

Megagauss (MG) is a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one million gauss.

16, The full form of MG is Medical Genetics. It’s used on Medical ,Genetics in Worldwide

Medical Genetics (MG) is a branch of medicine that involves the diagnosis and management of hereditary disorders.

17, The full form of MG is Minimum Guarantee. It’s used on Governmental ,Policies & Programs in India

Minimum Guarantee (MG) was a scheme in the Kerala Electricity Board in which the electric connection is given at the expense of the Board and the consumer guarantees to purchase annually, a quantity
of energy, the charges of which shall either be equal to or more than 25% of the capitalized cost of the works done by the Board for giving connection to the consumer. This guarantee was to continue for a period of seven years.



Madagascarhow to pronounce Madagascar

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Minas Geraishow to pronounce Minas Gerais

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Myasthenia Gravishow to pronounce Myasthenia Gravis

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Morris Garageshow to pronounce Morris Garages

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Machine Gunhow to pronounce Machine Gun

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Major Generalhow to pronounce Major General

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Motor-Generatorhow to pronounce Motor-Generator

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Medal for Gallantryhow to pronounce Medal for Gallantry

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Microgridhow to pronounce Microgrid

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Monoglycerideshow to pronounce Monoglycerides

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Malachite Greenhow to pronounce Malachite Green

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Monte Generosohow to pronounce Monte Generoso

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Match Gamehow to pronounce Match Game

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Michaelis–Gutmannhow to pronounce Michaelis–Gutmann

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Megagausshow to pronounce Megagauss

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Medical Geneticshow to pronounce Medical Genetics

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Minimum Guaranteehow to pronounce Minimum Guarantee

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Do you want to know What does MG mean? What is the full form of MG?. Are you looking for What does MG mean? What is the full form of MG? What is MG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MG. The Full Form of MG is‍ Madagascar, Minas Gerais, Myasthenia Gravis, Morris Garages, Machine Gun, Major General, Motor-Generator, Medal for Gallantry, Microgrid, Monoglycerides, Malachite Green, Monte Generoso, Match Game, Michaelis–Gutmann, Megagauss, Medical Genetics, Minimum Guarantee
You also might want to know: how to pronounce MG, how to pronounce Madagascar, how to pronounce Minas Gerais, how to pronounce Myasthenia Gravis, how to pronounce Morris Garages, how to pronounce Machine Gun, how to pronounce Major General, how to pronounce Motor-Generator, how to pronounce Medal for Gallantry, how to pronounce Microgrid, how to pronounce Monoglycerides, how to pronounce Malachite Green, how to pronounce Monte Generoso, how to pronounce Match Game, how to pronounce Michaelis–Gutmann, how to pronounce Megagauss, how to pronounce Medical Genetics, how to pronounce Minimum Guarantee,
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Showing the full form of MG:‍ 'Madagascar, Minas Gerais, Myasthenia Gravis, Morris Garages, Machine Gun, Major General, Motor-Generator, Medal for Gallantry, Microgrid, Monoglycerides, Malachite Green, Monte Generoso, Match Game, Michaelis–Gutmann, Megagauss, Medical Genetics, Minimum Guarantee' on your site.
What does MG mean? What is the full form of MG?
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