What does MSV mean? What is the full form of MSV?

The Full Form of MSV is Millisievert.

After a nuclear accident or accident of radioactivity, it is often question of millisieverts. What is a millisievert? What means this amount, this unity, mysterious to the uninitiated, generally associated in his mind to harmful health hazards.

The millisievert is a radioprotection unit measuring the radiation dose received either from a radioactive source or from other sources like X-rays in medicine. This is generally a whole body effective dose, but it may also be an equivalent dose received by a particular tissue or organ.

The millisievert is the unit used for very low doses. For instance, humans are not very radioactive, but the dose resulting from the internal radioactivity of their bodies amounts to 0,25 millisievert or mSv. A dose of 1 mSv should not generate excessive anxiety. Effects on human health are observed only beyond 100 mSv. It takes thousands of millisieverts it takes thousands of millisieverts dose to cause injuries that can be fatal in the short term.



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