What does NIR mean? What is the full form of NIR?

1, The full form of NIR is Near- infrared. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Physics in Worldwide

Near-infrared (NIR) is a small portion of the much larger region called infrared (IR), located between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

2, The full form of NIR is National Internet Registry. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Technological Organizations in Worldwide

As the RIR for the Asia Pacific, APNIC provides Internet number resource distribution, registration, and many other services to organizations in 56 economies across the region. In some cases APNIC provides services through approved NIR organizations to meet particular geographical needs. NIRs perform Internet number delegations and registrations in line with APNIC policies. There are seven NIRs that serve their respective Internet communities in local languages:

The NIR Secretariats are APNIC Members, as outlined in the APNIC and NIR Member Relationship Agreement. NIRs are not run by APNIC. They are separate, non-profit entities, incorporated within the laws where they are based, and have their own memberships. In most cases organizations may choose between membership with APNIC and their local NIR, but it is not possible to obtain Internet number resources from both.

All Internet resource distribution and management policies are decided at a regional level, through participation in the APNIC Policy Development Process. Anyone may contribute to policy discussions or submit a policy proposal. NIRs adhere to regional policies, as they are APNIC Members. For more information, read the APNIC Operational policies for NIRs.



Near- infraredhow to pronounce Near- infrared

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National Internet Registryhow to pronounce National Internet Registry

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Do you want to know What does NIR mean? What is the full form of NIR?. Are you looking for What does NIR mean? What is the full form of NIR? What is NIR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NIR. The Full Form of NIR is‍ Near- infrared, National Internet Registry
You also might want to know: how to pronounce NIR, how to pronounce Near- infrared, how to pronounce National Internet Registry,
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What does NIR mean? What is the full form of NIR?
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