What does NJP mean? What is the full form of NJP?

The Full Form of NJP is Non-judicial punishment.

If you’re a Marine, you may know non-judicial punishments as “office hours.” For sailors, they use the terms “captain’s mast” or just “mast.” Those in the Army or Air Force refer to non-judicial punishments as an “Article 15.” No matter what branch of service you’re in, you likely know that a commanding officer may administratively discipline troops for minor offenses.

A NJP is a procedure in which the commanding officer or officer in charge may:

  • Make inquiry into the facts surrounding minor offenses allegedly committed by a member of his command;
  • Afford the accused a hearing as to such offenses; and
  • Dispose of such charges by dismissing them, imposing punishment under the provisions of Article 15, or referring the case to a court-martial.

Thus a NJP is not a trial or a conviction and, if punishments are not carried out, not an acquittal.



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Do you want to know What does NJP mean? What is the full form of NJP?. Are you looking for What does NJP mean? What is the full form of NJP? What is NJP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NJP. The Full Form of NJP is‍ Non-judicial punishment
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What does NJP mean? What is the full form of NJP?
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