What does NSV mean? What is the full form of NSV?

The Full Form of NSV is‍ Nullsoft Streaming Video.

Nullsoft Streaming Video (NSV) was a media container designed for streaming video content over the Internet. NSV was developed by Nullsoft, the makers of Winamp. The NSV format is another example of streaming video formats, offered by various companies and media players. Windows Media, QuickTime File Format and RealMedia streams are just a few examples of these, and each have their benefits and shortcomings. NSV, by default configuration, used MP3 as its standard audio format, with VP3 as the video format. Various hacks and codec installations allowed NSV to use Ogg Vorbis for audio and later updates of the VP codecs for video.



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Do you want to know What does NSV mean? What is the full form of NSV?. Are you looking for What does NSV mean? What is the full form of NSV? What is NSV stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NSV. The Full Form of NSV is‍ Nullsoft Streaming Video
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What does NSV mean? What is the full form of NSV?
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