What does OBD mean? What is the full form of OBD?

1, The full form of OBD is On-Board Diagnostics. It’s used on Technology ,Automotive in Worldwide

On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) is an electronic telemetry system built into a vehicle which measures operating parameters and reports these to the driver. A basic OBD system consists of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), which uses input from various sensors systems which give the vehicle owner access to the status of nearly all engine controls, and other parameters of the vehicle.

2, The full form of OBD is Opposed Blade Damper. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Engineering in Worldwide

An Opposed Blade Damper (OBD) is use to regulate air flow on registers and grilles.

3, The full form of OBD is Obano Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Indonesia

Obano Airport (IATA code: OBD) is an airport in Obano, Indonesia.

4, The full form of OBD is Organic Brain Disease. It’s used on Medical ,Diseases & Conditions in Worldwide

Organic Brain Disease (OBD) is a general term used to describe decreased mental function due to a medical disease, other than a psychiatric illness.



On-Board Diagnosticshow to pronounce On-Board Diagnostics

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Opposed Blade Damperhow to pronounce Opposed Blade Damper

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Obano Airporthow to pronounce Obano Airport

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Organic Brain Diseasehow to pronounce Organic Brain Disease

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Do you want to know What does OBD mean? What is the full form of OBD?. Are you looking for What does OBD mean? What is the full form of OBD? What is OBD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of OBD. The Full Form of OBD is‍ On-Board Diagnostics, Opposed Blade Damper, Obano Airport, Organic Brain Disease
You also might want to know: how to pronounce OBD, how to pronounce On-Board Diagnostics, how to pronounce Opposed Blade Damper, how to pronounce Obano Airport, how to pronounce Organic Brain Disease,
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Showing the full form of OBD:‍ 'On-Board Diagnostics, Opposed Blade Damper, Obano Airport, Organic Brain Disease' on your site.
What does OBD mean? What is the full form of OBD?
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