What does OBL mean? What is the full form of OBL?

The Full Form of OBL is Ocean Bill of Lading.

An ocean bill of lading is a document required for the transportation of goods overseas across international waters. An ocean bill of lading serves as both the carrier’s receipt to the shipper, and as a collection document or an invoice. The contract is a legally binding document between both the shipper and the carrier of the shipment.

A bill of lading is a legal document or contract between the shipper and carrier which details the type, quantity, and destination of goods being carried. The bill of lading serves as a receipt of shipment when the goods are delivered at the predetermined destination. There are different kinds of bills of lading, each with unique stipulations and conditions. 



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Do you want to know What does OBL mean? What is the full form of OBL?. Are you looking for What does OBL mean? What is the full form of OBL? What is OBL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of OBL. The Full Form of OBL is‍ Ocean Bill of Lading
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