What does OPTM mean? What is the full form of OPTM?

The full form of OPTM is Optical Photo Technical Medical.

In 2019, the trade exchange (includes international purchases and sales) of Optical, Photo, Technical, Medical, etc Apparatus was US$36.1B.

In 2019, the states with the most international sales in Optical, Photo, Technical, Medical, etc Apparatus were Chihuahua (US$5.76B), Baja California (US$5.16B), Tamaulipas (US$3.29B), Jalisco (US$1.77B), and Sonora (US$935M). In the same year, the states with the most international purchases were Baja California (US$4.38B), Ciudad de México (US$2.82B), Chihuahua (US$2.26B), Tamaulipas (US$1.63B), and Jalisco (US$1.47B).

In 2019, the main commercial destinations of Optical, Photo, Technical, Medical, etc Apparatus were United States (US$18B), Ireland (US$223M), China (US$165M), Canada (US$140M), and France (US$127M). In the same year, the main commercial origins of Optical, Photo, Technical, Medical, etc Apparatus were United States (US$5.99B), China (US$3.6B), South Korea (US$1.05B), Germany (US$844M), and Japan (US$687M).



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Do you want to know What does OPTM mean? What is the full form of OPTM?. Are you looking for What does OPTM mean? What is the full form of OPTM? What is OPTM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of OPTM. The Full Form of OPTM is‍ Optical Photo Technical Medical
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