What does PBDIT mean? What is the full form of PBDIT?

The Full Form of PBDIT is‍ Profit before Deduction of Income Tax.

Profit before tax is a measure that looks at a company’s profits before the company has to pay corporate income tax. It essentially is all of a company’s profits without the consideration of any taxes.

Profit before tax can be found on the income statement as operating profit minus interest. Profit before tax is the value used to calculate a company’s tax obligation.

Profit before tax may also be referred to as earnings before tax (EBT) or pre-tax profit. The measure shows all of a company’s profits before tax. A run through of the income statement shows the different kinds of expenses a company must pay leading up to the operating profit calculation. Gross profit deducts costs of goods sold (COGS). Operating profit factors in both COGS and all operational expenses. Operating profit is also known as earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). After EBIT only interest and taxes remain for deduction before arriving at net income.


  • Profit before tax is the same as earnings before tax.
  • Profit before tax is used to identify how much tax a company owes.
  • Profit before tax can also be a profitability measure that provides for greater comparability among companies that pay a varying amount of taxes.



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Do you want to know What does PBDIT mean? What is the full form of PBDIT?. Are you looking for What does PBDIT mean? What is the full form of PBDIT? What is PBDIT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PBDIT. The Full Form of PBDIT is‍ Profit before Deduction of Income Tax
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