What does PMIC mean? What is the full form of PMIC?

The Full Form of PMIC is Power management integrated circuits.

Power management integrated circuits (power management ICs or PMICs or PMU as unit) are integrated circuits for power management. Although PMIC refers to a wide range of chips (or modules in system-on-a-chip devices), most include several DC/DC converters or their control part. A PMIC is often included in battery-operated devices such as mobile phones and portable media players to decrease the amount of space required.



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Do you want to know What does PMIC mean? What is the full form of PMIC?. Are you looking for What does PMIC mean? What is the full form of PMIC? What is PMIC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PMIC. The Full Form of PMIC is‍ Power management integrated circuits
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What does PMIC mean? What is the full form of PMIC?
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