What does PPGI mean? What is the full form of PPGI?

The Full Form of PPGI is Pre-painted galvanised iron.

PPGI is pre-painted galvanised iron, also known as pre-coated steel, coil coated steel, color coated steel etc., typically with a hot dip zinc coated steel substrate.

The term is an extension of GI which is a traditional abbreviation for Galvanized Iron. Today the term GI typically refers to essentially pure zinc (>99%) continuously hot dip coated steel, as opposed to batch dip processes. PPGI refers to factory pre-painted zinc coated steel, where the steel is painted before forming, as opposed to post painting which occurs after forming.



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Do you want to know What does PPGI mean? What is the full form of PPGI?. Are you looking for What does PPGI mean? What is the full form of PPGI? What is PPGI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PPGI. The Full Form of PPGI is‍ Pre-painted galvanised iron
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