What does RCEM mean? What is the full form of RCEM?

The Full Form of RCEM is Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

The College is established to advance education and research in Emergency Medicine. The College is responsible for setting standards of training and administering examinations in Emergency Medicine for the award of Fellowship and Membership of the College as well as recommending trainees for CCT in Emergency Medicine. The College works to ensure high quality care by setting and monitoring standards of care, and providing expert guidance and advice on policy to relevant bodies on matters relating to Emergency Medicine.



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Do you want to know What does RCEM mean? What is the full form of RCEM?. Are you looking for What does RCEM mean? What is the full form of RCEM? What is RCEM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RCEM. The Full Form of RCEM is‍ Royal College of Emergency Medicine
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What does RCEM mean? What is the full form of RCEM?
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