What does RHO mean? What is the full form of RHO?

The Full Form of RHO is‍ Regional Health Observatory.

The Regional Health Observatory (RHO) that serves as an institutional resource for the region to facilitate access to data, information, analyses, and empirical evidence for monitoring and evaluating the regional health situation. It provides data, statistics, information products and analytical results by priority health themes, including technical briefings and recommendations to support decision making in public health.

The PAHO Regional Health Observatory (RHO) was launched on September 27 during the 50th Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization.

The Regional Health Observatory (RHO) is a PAHO institutional resource to facilitate access to data, information, analyses, and empiric evidence for monitoring and evaluating the regional health sistuation. It provides data, statistics, information products and analytical results by priority health themes, including technical briefings and recommendations to support decision making in public health.

As part of this launching, HSD/HA has released the most updated data from the Regional Mortality database and the PAHO Core Health Indicator Information System. The new Open Portal of the RHO is also using innovative methods to disseminate data and communicate health information in a more effective way.



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Do you want to know What does RHO mean? What is the full form of RHO?. Are you looking for What does RHO mean? What is the full form of RHO? What is RHO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RHO. The Full Form of RHO is‍ Regional Health Observatory
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