What does RIMM mean? What is the full form of RIMM?

The Full Form of RIMM is‍ Rambus Inline Memory Module.

Rambus DRAM, and its successors Concurrent Rambus DRAM and Direct Rambus DRAM, are types of synchronous dynamic random-access memory developed by Rambus from the 1990s through to the early-2000s. The third-generation of Rambus DRAM, DRDRAM was replaced by XDR DRAM. 

While RIMM is commonly believed to stand for “Rambus inline memory module,” Kingston Technology has trademarked “RIMM” and uses only that term. A RIMM module consists of RDRAM chips that are attached using a thin layer of solder, a metal alloy that, when melted, fuses metals to each other.



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Do you want to know What does RIMM mean? What is the full form of RIMM?. Are you looking for What does RIMM mean? What is the full form of RIMM? What is RIMM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RIMM. The Full Form of RIMM is‍ Rambus Inline Memory Module
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